This blog is intended to help people prepare for the job interviews and improve their analytical skills. We have posted difficult datastructures and algorithm questions and puzzles. Interview experiences section is for the people to post their interview experiences.Views expressed here are of their personal and the blog author doesn't take any responsibility for the same.




Saturday, February 2, 2008

Given a single linked list write a function to swap each pair of nodes by manipulating with pointers (not values).?

Original list: head->1->2->3->4->5->NIL should be transformed to head->2->1->4->3->5-> NIL

int reverse_pairs(LLIST ** head)
LLIST * temp = ULL;
LLIST* current_pair = *head;
LLIST** previouspair = head;
while((current_pair != NULL) && (current_pair->next != NULL))
temp = current_pair;
current_pair = current_pair->next;
temp->next = current_pair->next;
current_pair->next = temp;
*previouspair = current_pair;
current_pair = temp->next;
previouspair = &temp->next;
return 0;

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