

This blog is intended to help people prepare for the job interviews and improve their analytical skills. We have posted difficult datastructures and algorithm questions and puzzles. Interview experiences section is for the people to post their interview experiences.Views expressed here are of their personal and the blog author doesn't take any responsibility for the same.




Saturday, March 1, 2008

There are 25 horses and only 5 tracks. No of matches to find top 3 horses.

There are 25 horses and only 5 tracks. So only 5 horses can run the race at a time. How many minimum no of races should be conducted to find the 3 best horses?
Sol: The answer is 7.
Round 1: Take 5 horses at a time. 5 winners of each race will go to round2.
Round 2: Winner of this will be top most horse.(call it W1)
Round 3: Final race comprises of following 5 horses.
h1: 2nd horse of round2
h2:3rd horse of round2
h3:2nd horse of W1's group during round 1
h4:3rd horse of W1's group during round1
h5:2nd horse of h1's group during round1

Friday, February 29, 2008

Hat color problem--most asked question in interviews..

Two tribes one always tells true other false....

There were 2 tribes living on an island. The east tribal people always tell a lie. The west tribal people always tell the truth. Alan and Bryan came from the same tribe. However, we do not know which tribe they came from. When they were asked the marital status, Alan said: “Both of us are married.” But Bryan said: “I am not married”. Are they really married?


Both are from same tribe. It means either both of them will lie or both will tell true. If we look at the statements both of them contradicts about Bryan's marital status. It means one of them is not telling truth, as they are from same tribe it concludes that they are from east tribe. It means Bryan is married and Alan's status is unclear.

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